What to avoid while writing a perfect SEO blog or page
Topic : SEO

I would like to introduce several mistakes bloggers, business owners, editors, use to do while writing a page or a blog, thats why I came up with the title "What to avoid while writing a perfect SEO blog or page".


Mistakes every one should avoid while writing a perfect SEO blog or page 


1. Use of paragraph

Your first Paragraph is the most important one, do not start writing around, go straight to the point in the first paragraph and mention the main keyword in the first sentence if it is possible, everybody uses paragraphs, but not everybody uses them well. Don’t start each new sentence on a new line, just because it looks nice. There should be a logical reason for starting a new paragraph. Each paragraph should have its own idea or subject. Ask yourself what the main idea of each paragraph is. You should be able to summarize that main idea in only one sentence. If you need more sentences, you simply need to use more paragraphs.

2. Forgetting the Visual

Speaking of visual elements, it’s important you include images and/or videos in your posts! As this blogging mistakes info graphic explains:

  • Articles with relevant images have around 94 percent more viewers than similar articles without pictures
  • People remember roughly 80 percent of what they see and do; compare that to roughly 10 percent of what they hear and 20 percent of what they read

How can you add visual elements when blogging for SEO? Add images or videos to your post to break up the text! Just make sure you only use visuals you have the right to use.

3. Skipping the Editing Step

Writing a lengthy blog post can take time, but when you’re done writing, you’re not ready to publish yet. Walk away for at least 30 minutes (although overnight is better) and come back with fresh eyes to read over what you wrote. Do all your points make sense? Does the article flow in natural way? Are you missing any words or typos?

  • Read it out loud. Actually saying the words out loud can help you catch typos and hear the overall flow of your content.
  • Come back with fresh eyes. After you’re done writing, take a break. Then, about 30 minutes later, pull it back up and read through it again with a fresh perspective.
  • Print out a hard copy. Sometimes looking at the words on a physical page (rather than a computer screen) can help you notice mistakes. Of course, I always recommend using scrap paper to save the trees!
  • Read it backwards. Starting at the end and working your way to the top makes you slow down and really look at the piece word by word.

4. Forgetting to Promote It

The point of blogging for SEO is to increase your online visibility, but waiting for search engines to find your article isn’t the only way to do this! Share your blog post on all your social media channels and in your email newsletter. If you really want to increase the number of eyes on your post, consider running a social media ad or Google ad promoting the article. The more you promote your post, the more people read it and the better it is for your website’s SEO.

5. Forgetting to fill out your page title and description fields

You’ll screw any chances of your post ranking if you forget to fill out the page title and description fields for each post.

That Meta data is critical to search engines crawling and indexing your site. And when you use keywords properly, it tells those spiders what the page is all about.

To make life easier on you, use a plug in like Yoast. 

6. URLs should be friendly URL

Having the worst domain name is one thing. Creating clunky URLs for each post that people can’t read or search engines can’t index is another thing.

These are the worst offenders

If you want to give your post a fighting chance in the SEO landscape, then you have to include recognizable words in your URL. This means keywords, too.

7. Poor monthly update

Okay, I understand that you are very busy, and that churning out one blog post a month is not easy. But really, the less you post, the less chance your newest post has any chance at gaining traction.

As I mentioned above, the more frequently you post, the more importance you are going to give to your site. That traffic eventually slows and then dies when you stop posting.

Besides, if Google comes back to your site to check for more content and doesn’t find any, it will back off and it may be a long time before the spiders come back… which s...s for your newest post.

8. More than 500 words or around 2000 words what matter is the keyword density

I started doing SEO in 2006, but in 2014 I had a client who already had his marketing team. They wanted to create the content and images.

At that time I remember how they used to tell their writing team, articles needs to be over 1500 words and they did not understand what I was telling them about keyword density. At least since they hired me to get results in google they had to give me a try. So I with my editors started modifying the content to make sure the articles were doing fine with the keyword density. At the same time we started using MOZ.

End of this short history was a happy end, where that company and I were sucessfull puting in the first page of google more than four websites in total, one for Lawers, another for Cosmetic Surgery, another was an equestrian site and another was an institute.

Writing short paragraphs is a basic blog post writing law. Just like simple words and short sentences. Resort to long blocks of copy and you are stacking the deck against your blog post.

9. Using the First Title You Write

The blog headline has an important role: it captures readers’ attention right off the bat and convinces them to click on the article or keep scrolling. After you finish writing your blog post, go back to your title and play around with it. Can you think of a more compelling way to capture your target audience’s attention?

How can you write a strong blog title? First of all, aim for 6-13 words; studies show this length attracts the highest and most consistent amount of traffic. This blog post about writing the best headline in the world shares helpful advice too:

  • Draw on emotions
  • Keep it short and to the point
  • Use strong keywords
  • Use data and number

10. Missing a sitemap is even worse

An XML Sitemap is a little bit more difficult to write, as it contains all the metadata about the page in a standardized format. While visually the XML sitemap might not look very different, at a core level you can immediately see they are a lot more complex

11. Alts - Missing alts in your images will not be for your On-Page SEO.

It’s important to note that what we’re referring to in this post is not technically an “alt tag.” While most website owners and SEO professionals understand what someone means when referring to an alt tag, the correct terminology is alt text or alt attribute.

Despite being most commonly associated with image SEO, alt tags originally had a much different purpose.

12. Lack of back links and good references

There are many factors that make the difference between a good backlink and bad ... In other words, in this article from Smart Blogger, the “publishing online ... Additionally, and as a bit of a caveat, beware of buying backlinks from online sources. ... or are lacking an adequate technological solution to make them accessible.

13. An schema that has not nothing to do with your blog or missing the schema

The schema are associated with properties and it is the best way to quickly allow google what is it the page about.

If you need schema examples and properties the best way to do it is following the recomendations you will find in www.schema.org




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