Looking for your Google Review Link?

If you are a business owner, you may already have a Google My Business page. One of the easiest way to find out is simply by searching for your business name on Google. Like most business owners, you may want to share a link with customers on your website or your email campaigns to customers to leave your businesses a review about their experience at your business, but getting the exact link to the “review page on google maps” can be a bit of a pain. Hence, here is how to get the link to your review page on Google.

Attract new customers with your free Business Profile.


Your Business Profile appears right when people are searching for your business or businesses like yours on Google Search and Maps. Google My Business makes it easy to create and update your Business Profile—so you can stand out, and bring customers in. Have questions? Give us a call: 786 609 1889

Create a link for customers to write reviews

To create a link from Google Search:

  1. On your computer, search for your business on Google.
  2. Find your business listing and click Write a review.
  3. Copy and paste the URL you see in your address bar.

If these steps don’t work for you, you’ll need to use the PlaceID Lookup Tool instead.

Create a link using the PlaceID Lookup Tool

To create a link using the PlaceID Lookup Tool:

  1. Use the PlaceID Lookup Tool below.
  2. Enter your business name in the “Enter a location” field at the top of the map.
  3. Click your business name in the list that appears.
  4. Copy your Place ID, which you’ll see beneath your business name.
  5. Add your Place ID to the following URL to create your link
  6. https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=<place_id>

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